About Us
Our vision
Accessible Mental Health for Everyone, Anytime and Everywhere.
Drawing from personal experiences at Cortex Machina, we understand that mental health care is vital for all covering various illnesses and disorders. Traditional EEG and brain-computer interface technologies can be costly, complicated, and demand significant expertise in neuroscience and data science, often requiring a clinical setting for effectiveness.
Our goal is to streamline this technology, lower its costs, and make it accessible and integrable for everyone, ensuring improved mental health monitoring both in and out of hospital settings, at all times.

Our Mission
Cortex Machina is creating user-friendly, affordable, non-invasive, dry medical-grade Plug & Play systems that reduce costs and integrate smoothly with software, AI, and hardware. Our systems provide real-time analysis with predictive features and post-processing capabilities for both clinical and non-clinical settings, all while upholding the highest performance standards. We target both the extensive research field and the medical sector focusing on patient monitoring in hospitals and at home.
Furthermore, we act as a technology provider across various sectors, ensuring access to our technology anytime, anywhere.